Frequently Asked Questions
Healthcare that inspires hope through provider access, data, and personalized wellness
Frequently Asked Questions
No. Your membership in Verve DPC is a complement to the health insurance you have, not a replacement. Should you need care beyond that offered by Verve, or require emergency, surgery, or catastrophic medical treatment, your health insurance provides financial protection. We recommend that you maintain adequate health insurance either through your employer or an individual plan. Verve’s comprehensive primary care services may at times obviate the need to see a specialist that would otherwise be referred by a fee-for-service primary care provider.
For members with individual self-paid plans, we do not accept your insurance or provide superbills for insurance reimbursement. We may be able to accept payment from certain FSA programs, however, we recommend paying annually as the best practice in order to use these accounts. For members that have access to Verve DPC through an employer sponsored benefit, we work directly with your employer to cover your membership. We will bill you for services not covered by your membership.
Individual and family self-paid membership costs are as follows:
- Adults (19 and over) $80/month
- Child $40/month
- Family $240/month maximum
A 10% discount is provided for annual membership prepayment. $200 one-time enrollment fee.
Employers with 10 or more employees will qualify for a Verve employer sponsored membership. Specific membership cost will depend on the scope of services and no. employees.
Yes. We hire our own staff of board-certified and state-licensed physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. When you activate your Verve membership, you will be connected to a designated team with a primary care provider, medical assistant, and health coach.
Both. If you live near one of our clinics, you can schedule in-person appointments with the Verve care team. Same/next-day appointments are generally available. We recommend for extensive visits such as annual wellness exams, appointments be scheduled well in advance. For many routine matters, virtual engagement is convenient. If you do not live near one of our clinics, you can schedule a virtual visit. We also offer a Clinic-From-Home membership that emulates an in-person visit with a virtual provider and an AI-enabled multi-functional camera, otoscope, and stethoscope. This facilitates a complete self-examination.